Work Begins on Frame #5. All parts cut out based on templates drawn from original plan. Layout board set, lines drawn for setup level and attachment lines for the Floor Lumber. All prep work done this time to get ready for the epoxy stage.
Wax paper used to keep the frame from sticking to the work table, gloves at the ready, hammer ready for the carriage bolt insertions, clamps ready just in case, one drill set for drilling, one drill set for phillips head screw driver. All fasteners pre-staged ready to insert. Cup, Stirrer, filler, and epoxy all ready.
I have placed some blocks under each side to keep the whole frame level. Also I used a couple of scraps of 3/4 ply in the opening of the bottom of the frame where the breasthook will have to go through; thought this may help keep everything square and true (just be sure to put wax paper over the scraps if you do this).

Another overlook to make sure everything is ready.

Did Side A (the Aft Side), first then flipped the assembly over, replacing the wax paper and in hurry up fashion epoxy the second floor timber in place. This went pretty smooth since I had pre-staged for both sides.

As a word of caution, while you are dry fitting the frame together, go ahead and dry fit your bolt, washer and nut together as well. I found that the bolts (Hot Dipped Galvanized) didn't go together too smoothly. It was a little rough to get started and partly way down actually stripped the box end on the other side of the frame, so the whole bolt was turning in the whole. A good grip on a wrench was needed but I did manage to get it secured all the way down. Next bolts will all be dry fit to get them at least wrench-able.

Here is a picture of that center slot where the breasthook will slip through. This slot should center the frame on the centerline.

This picture shows the reliefs cut into the frame for the battons and chine.

All in all, not too terribly tough on this frame. I ended up finishing mounting the deck member on Frame #4 with the bolts and so we have four completed frames as of this weekend.
Just need to finish cutting the floor beam for frame #1 and it's plywood attaching. Then we have the entire Transom to cut and put together. Saving the most complicated for last I think.
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