Thursday, January 1, 2015

Templating the Plans

My first inclinations are to continue to study and get ready to purchase the lumber. However, In a recent reading of post on the Glen-L forum, I found out that templates take some time to produce to get ready before the lumber. Hmmmn. Well lets get to that.

At the hobby lobby I purchased poster board, an embalsing pen, and some graphite paper. A few years ago it was called carbon paper, now it's made a little different but still does pretty much the same thing.

Laying out the full size drawings on my largest garage table and placing the posterboard under, sandwiching the graphite paper. Utilizing the Embalsing Pen with its rounded over point I trace the lines of the plan. If you are wondering why not just cut out the parts of the plan? Well, first, these plans did cost a little bit of money. Secondly, there are parts on the plan, like the stem that are quite long and actually are drawn through other parts of the boat. You can easily make out what is what on the plan, but I did need a way to make a duplicate so I didn't end up ruining the whole lot just for one peice. I think this may be clearer once you receive your own plans you will see the connudrum I was referring to.

This process did take a little time. I was able to make temps of frames zero, three, and one as well as the breasthook, and two sets of gussets for frame three. Each different cut piece has to be templated seperately. So to make frame three, there are four seperate peices that have to be drawn seperately to make templates of the parts that go together to make the entire frame. Also marking notes on each peice as to thickness, locations, special cuts, and anything that may be useful when it comes time to layout on the wood. I even went as far as to place a reminder on the template to remember that this is only a half frame so I would need to flip the template on the centerline and draw the other half on the same board too. Anything that may be helpful when doing the layout.

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